After the growth experienced by the logistics industry in Ecuador and Latin America, companies in the sector have seen the need to strategically refine their services, incorporating technology into their control and monitoring processes. This was recently demonstrated in the first Smart Logistics 2018.
This event took place in the city of Quito and brought together more than 30 companies from all over the country, which offer logistics services or depend on good control of the area to improve the functioning of the services they offer.
Topics related to logistics 2.0 trends, the importance of big data in distribution companies, the power of advanced analytics in logistics, urban logistics and intelligent logistics, as well as the presentation of success stories at the level of Latin America, were some of the main presentations that the guests could witness. The presentations were in charge of specialists in the area such as Pedro Paladines, Specialist in road and transport infrastructure and Executive President at Dematrave; Ernesto Tassara Business Intelligence Manager and Profitability at Location World, with extensive experience in data analysis; and Luis Loaiza, Co-founder at Shippify.
The information presented gave rise to various questions among the attendees, who deepened into their topics of interest in a networking space that strengthened important relationships for the better development of the logistics industry in Ecuador.